Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Evie's Entourage

One day, a couple of weeks ago, I overheard Evie playing in the bathroom. Since unsupervised bathroom time can only lead to water damage I went to check on her. She was standing next to the tub pretending to lift something in and out of the bath. I asked what she was doing and was informed that she was giving her "people" a bath. That is right, my daughter, miniature diva that she is, has people. Not just an imaginary friend, an entire imaginary entourage. And they are with us all the time. She talks to them, brings them in the car when we run errands (although occasionally they are left home by accident and that causes her a bit of trauma until we can convince her that they will be fine playing with her toys until we get home...), and their preferences are consulted when I ask what to make for dinner. They can be helpful though. Once Brian was home sick from work and I had been up and down with the baby all night, so we just wanted to sleep in for a little bit. Jake was at school, so there was no one around to entertain Evie. After the 5th time she had come in our room looking for someone to play with, Brian had a brilliant idea and said, "Hey Evie, why don't you take your people down stairs and cook them some food in your (play) kitchen?" She thought that sounded like great fun and the last we heard from her for an hour was her little voice trailing down the stairs, "Come on people, let's go play." So now you know, if Evie ever tells you to have your people call her people... she is quite serious.


Robert said...

Have her people call my people.

Uncle Robert

Dinee said...

That's cute. Did Jake ever have "people?"

Unknown said...

When Janessa was that age she had 10 "friends". They all had names though I don't recall them. She had to bring "them" everywhere with us too! When we moved from West Jordan to Farmington we had to make a big production out of making sure all the 10 "friends" made it in the car with us and then had to make sure they made it in to our new house:)

Emilie said...

I think I need some people...