Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Great Escape

So I guess all those times I though Lila was having a nice long nap she was practicing her crazy climbing skills... Arrrgh! I am so not ready for this. I was planning on her staying in the crib for at least another six months. Ah well, the best laid plans and all that.... guess someone is moving into a toddler bed tonight. Yeah. That'll be fun.


Emilie said...

I just love that she calls herself a monkey.

Megs said...

I love the way she wrapped her little monkey toes around the bars! That was fantastic!

Amanda said...

I haven't had a climber yet. That's very entertaining when it's not your child! A note of consolation: Justin and Spencer were both in toddler beds by the time they were 18 mo. old and did fine (after an initial week of putting them back in bed 10,000 times.). Good luck with your monkey!

Elizabeth said...

This has to be one of the best videos ever! I love "I'monkey! I'monkey!" I just put up some monkey wall decals on Preston's wall . . . maybe that was a bad idea. It might encourage such monkey like behavior :)

Catherine said...

Ya, I've got one of those too. I hope the toddler bed thing goes better for your monkey :)

Natalie said...

Haha! Just get one of those crib tents and zip her in!

JD and Elena said...

oh ho lila!

too funny. Huck is still in a good place when it comes to his crib. doesnt fit to get in or out of it...but now you have me concerned.