Saturday, March 6, 2010

A post containing both a piggy and the police....

Just a quick post to let you know that I haven't disappeared forever. I have been very busy this last week helping a cousin with some wedding sewing. (Pictures are posted on my other blog if you are interested in taking a peep.) Today was a nice, slow paced, relaxing type of day. I had some friends from my knitting group over during the day and enjoyed a morning of knitting and a play date for the kids. Later I loaded my kids up to run a few errands, one of which was looking for some new pants for Lila. And so we ended up at Target...

You know how they say that when you stop looking, that's when you'll find it?

I don't how many of you might remember my post last year about the tragic demise of my previous bank. There has been a void in my heart, or at the very least on my dresser, since that sad day. My loose change has been tossed negligently into a small piece of tupperwear, which, let's face it, is nothing more than function without form. I have been searching in vain for over six months, when suddenly I turned the corner in the store and there was a heavenly chorus in my head and a stray beam of sunlight fell on to this little piggy. Even though I thought that I could never again be happy with a prosaic pig for a piggy bank, with this one it was love at first sight! A paisley painted pig! (I've always been a sucker for alliteration...) Truly a silver lining on this stormy day.

Caite has been staying with me this weekend as all our men folk wandered on down to St. George for the yearly testosterone-fest known as Hearts and Clubs. (Basically they play golf all day and cards all night as an antidote to the winter blues...) I went to pick her up this evening from work and turned off my head lights while waiting in front of the theater. After I drove through the well lit parking lot, it took me about two blocks to realize I'd forgotten to turn them back on. Just as I reach over and twist the knob to turn them on, the night behind me lights up with flashing red and blue. Crap. Thank heavens my newly renewed licence arrived today in the mail and I have all the current paperwork in the van. The officer told me he pulled me over because I was driving without headlights, and I actually used the phrase "brain fart" in explaining why that had happened. (You'd think being raised by a cop would make me not get so flustered around law enforcement types, but I so rarely get pulled over that it is just overwhelming.) While the officer was looking over my information back at his car, Caitlin turned to me in a near panic with huge eyes, held up her bottle of Sobe juice and said, "Oh no! I can't have an open container in a car!" I laughed so hard I could hardly catch my breath to reassure her that that law only applies to alcohol. It was a mighty effort on both our parts to calm down before the policeman came back with my i.d. and sent us on our way with a mild warning to remember the headlights. We were so giddy I don't know if he would have bought that we were just high on life and entertaining to each other with our stupidity naivety...


Mary said...

I'm glad you found a replacement! It looks very fun and whimsical.

And your police story? Hilarious.

Amanda said...

Love the pig! (No reference to the cop there). I didn't know your dad was a policeman. Justin would be very impressed.

Unknown said...

LOL! Caitlin, don't you know that you can't drink alcohol while pregnant?? Good thing it was just a Sobe!

April Weeks said...

Love your stories Chrissy. It was so great to see you and Caitlin the other day. The 30's look beautiful on you!

Mandy said...

I think that is an all time favorite "Caite Story", I am glad I used all of my excess energy checking your blog. I am sick today, really sick but at least I laughed between the crying episodes, so thanks I owe you one.