Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Almost Jake... almost."

Ever since she turned one and noticed that her finger would fit inside her nose, Evie is constantly bringing me her "boogies". Nice, right? At least I'm not finding them wiped across the car window or something. Every time we are in the car I hear from the backseat, "Mom, I got a boogie for you." To which I always reply, "Evie! Get your finger out of your nose!!" Today was no exception, only her brother chimed in with this sage advice, "Evie, you can pick your friends and you can pick your friends' nose, but you can't pick your nose. So knock it off!"


Dinee said...

Hey Chrissy-is it ok if we don't pick each other's noses? I know we're friends and all, but that's a little much for me.

Chrissy said...

Yeah, I don't really want to pick anyone else's nose either. This was more of a warning for Jake's friends...

simply kris said...

he's terribly amusing. how do you stand it?

Mandy said...

that's the jake we knoww and love! Even if he does pick his friends' noses!