Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Silly girl...

We have been struggling lately to get Lila to fall asleep in her own bed. She fights going to bed (or even just going to sleep) with every fiber of her being. But especially with the imminent move to a downstairs bedroom we are working hard at getting her to go to bed and stay there. 

Last night was pretty typical. I tucked her in, a few minutes later she wandered out to "tell us something", so I put her back in bed. A few minutes later I hear a noise and see her peeking around the corner of the hall, I send her back to bed. That happens 27 a few more times over the next half hour. Brian and I started a movie. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blanket waving in the air. Lila was spreading out a blanket and was ready to play with her doll in the hallway. I spoke quite sharply to her and she gathered up her toys and cried her way back into the bed. That was the last we heard from her, so I assumed that she had finally fallen asleep.

And she had...

Just not in her bed.

Little stinker. 
She is too clever for her own good. She figured out that if I couldn't see her or hear her then I wouldn't chase her out of the hall and back into her own bed. I was seriously tempted to let her sleep there all night. But Brian couldn't maneuver around her to get into the bedroom, and it just seemed a little too mean to make him sleep on the couch because Lila had crashed in the hallway.


Amanda said...

I read a whole book during a week of camping right outside Justin's door at bedtime. It did the trick, though. Good luck with Lila! Cute picture.

Sarah said...

I have a friend who would sleep on the floor in her doorway halfway in her room and halfway out. Every night until she was eight years old.