Monday night we put our kids to bed at nine o'clock. At eleven we hear the door open and Jake crying. I spring up with visions of vomit covered child and bedding running though my head, only to stumble to a stop as I see him coming down the hall wearing nothing but his glasses. I was understandably surprised since I knew he was tucked in wearing jammies and no glasses... He was crying and distressed and all I could get out of him was that he couldn't find the bathtub and had hurt himself. I went in the bedroom to find all his clothing folded on the rocking chair and the light on. I got him back in bed and before I had finished getting his jammies back on he was sound asleep. I hope that he isn't going to start sleep walking on a regular basis, that is too scary.
Tonight we put our kids to bed at nine o'clock again. At eleven, the door opened and out comes Evie with diaper in hand because she was wet. (Anyone else noticing a pattern here?) So we changed her and sent her back to bed, and thought that was the end of it... until I went in at midnight to get a diaper for the baby and saw this...Don't they just about melt your heart?
(Please don't think we make him sleep on the floor, Jake actually does have a very nice bedroom and bed of his very own. He is just having a hard time transitioning to not sharing a room.)
Christmas Boot Camp 2012
12 years ago
Ahh, that is so sweet! How long has Jake had his own room?
That is the cutest! I love that he folded his clothes and put them on the chair. Silly kids. I use to wake up and eat in my sleep. Not a good idea! Half the time I would wake up and be eating really weird food combinations. Like pickles on just bread, or cheese and whipcream. Gross!
That is seriously the sweetest thing!!
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