Thursday, July 7, 2011

Food for thought...

I read a great post today about keeping the romance alive in a marriage. Being the parents of small children and sometimes just getting busy living our lives, this is something I've been thinking a lot about lately. And about how there just never seems to be enough time or money, and to take some of it for ourselves feels selfish and self indulgent. Or feeling guilty for asking our families to watch our children all the time. (Isn't it funny the way sometimes answers just fall into your lap when you aren't even actively looking for them?) Any how, there was a quote about making the time for "Date Night" that jumped out at me. So much so that I am thinking about sticking it on my bedroom mirror, or cross-stitching it onto a pillow, or something...

Baby sitters are much less expensive than therapists.

Seriously, I think this is going to be my new motto. Now I just need to find a good babysitter, and figure out the going rate...


Dinee said...

We can babysit for you. Here's an idea: we babysit for you once a month and you can watch our girls once a month. Let me know what you think.

JD said...

this is why god invented young women in the ward who can't date yet. All you have to do is ask the young lady what she would charge, most will under quote themselves anyways...then you can seem generous...;)

I agree whole heartily though, your time together is more important to your kids and their perception of you than even you realize. remember the "romatic dinners" we used to plan for mom and dad as kids?

Sarah said...

We do $1 per hour per kid. It adds up, but it's worth it since we don't have family close enough to babysit. When Kyle is out of town it means I get an evening off for book club for only $5! That's a deal for me. Plus, the young women think my kids are cute, so I don't think they mind that I don't pay a lot.