Friday, February 25, 2011

Lila funnies...

Lila has been the queen of the mood swing today (I didn't even know that was possible at two) but when she has been happy she has also been quite funny.

We went to Wal-mart after we dropped Evie off at preschool this morning. Lila was in a happy talkative mood for most of the shopping trip, telling me all about everything that caught her attention. When we were checking out she was standing in the back of the cart so I could hand her the bags and she could put them in. As I was digging in my purse for my wallet, she looked at the bags, realized there was no room for her to sit down and loudly proclaimed, "This stressing me out!" The checker was still laughing as we left the store...

I was waiting for her to wake up from her nap so I could make a trip to Costco.  (I really try to avoid that place on Saturdays.)  It was almost 4 pm and she was still snoozing, so I decided that she had napped long enough and went in to wake her up.  She was being a stinkbug, sleeping with her knees tucked to her chest and her little bum up in the air. (Side note: What age do kids finally realize that position isn't comfortable and stop sleeping like that? I've never seen a grown up sleep like that... that would be really funny though.) I said, "Time to wake stinkbug." She rolled over, sat up, looked at me and said, "Moooo-ooom. I just napping here."  And flopped back onto her face.

It's a good thing she is so cute and funny. It helps me want to keep her around even when she's making pull out my hair!


Amanda said...

I love the funny things Lila says! I don't know about that stinkbug thing, but now you've got me thinking. I'm pretty sure Justin has done it much longer than my other two. He can still tuck up into a perfect fetal position, little ankles crossed and everything and he's almost 5.