Saturday, January 1, 2011

I am resolved... start making this year's Christmas presents starting tomorrow. be part of reading a million pages. try to count to ten a little slower when dealing with my children. say "no" less and "yes" more when they ask me to play with them. show them everyday that they are more important than anything else going on in my world. be a better wife and occasionally ironing some of my husband's work shirts. get a current family portrait taken. knit something for myself that isn't a pair of socks. not have ANY library fines this year. reinstate the daily chores system that worked this summer, so my house is always ready to have friends over. have friends over more often. make sure I stay healthy and strong enough to take care of my family. write a post on this blog every day.

I am trying to decide whether the ironing or the no library fines is the more unrealistic goal for me...


Emilie said...

For me it would be the ironing. For sure.

Welcome to the one-post-a-day club :)

Lucy said...

oh, chrissy, you have no idea what you're getting into =). love this post.

Lawson Family said...

I have never ironed my husband work shirts, or any shirts for that matter, our whole marriage. Who needs wrinkle free attire to look professional?

These are great goals!